
What your view of sports and life would be if you had too many concussions

Signs We Are Near The End Of Civilization: Congratulations on Your Gold Medal…By The Way, Your Grandparents Are Dead

The “win at all costs” mentality is why the Chinese will rule the world in about 40 years. You may not like it, and you may not agree with it, but while American kids are getting fat and worthless on fast food and Xbox, Chinese kids get shipped off to athletic boarding schools where they don’t even get told their grandparents are dead.

Wu Minxia won the gold medal in the 3-meter synchronized springboard, which made her the first woman in history to win three consecutive Olympic gold medals in the same event.  In order to celebrate that moment, her father decided this was a good time to tell her about her dead relatives and that her own mother had been battling breast cancer for eight years.

Minxia’s parents have no qualms over this; they considered lying to be “essential” to Wu’s maintaining focus on her training.

“It was essential to tell this white lie,” said her father Wu Yuming.

Let that sink in for a minute. As Americans, we’ve become such complete pantywastes we fire football coaches for yelling at players. Can you imagine what would happen if we did something like this? You’d have every dickweed from Dr. Phil on down crying about how abusive we are to our very own children.  Shit, they already do that even though most American kids are a bunch of pampered little marshmallows who throw tantrums in supermarkets and get winded watching television.

Here’s the problem. The very same Americans who will bitch and moan about this  level of inhumanity are merely the photo-negative of it.  The issue here isn’t that Olympians have to make sacrifices; that’s universal. The issue is the Chinese culture is one which values focus and discipline, while America is becoming the exact opposite.  Both approaches are extreme, and neither is particularly healthy.

About J-Dub

What your view of sports would be if you had too many concussions

7 comments on “Signs We Are Near The End Of Civilization: Congratulations on Your Gold Medal…By The Way, Your Grandparents Are Dead

  1. Good one as always, bra. Podcast talk soon please.

    The only thing I can compare this too was when my grandmother passed away years back and my uncle, ahem…. left me a voice mail telling me so.

    I thought that was quite tactful.

    And I didn’t even get a gold medal out of the deal.


    • J-Dub
      August 6, 2012

      It seems the podcast thing is never going to be three-man operation again. Did Kev enter the witness protection program? I’m open for anything as far as a podcast goes.


  2. Jsportsfan
    August 6, 2012

    I’m thinking the next Olympic sport will be how many kids can you father with different mothers. Maury Povich will be the judge.


  3. Matt Lawton, Hero to the AAC
    August 6, 2012


    I know a guy with 90% of the equipment needed and 5 years of on air radio experience…


  4. Ryan Meehan
    August 6, 2012

    “Lying = essential”. Now we know why it’s us vs. them lol



  5. chappy81
    August 8, 2012

    Now that’s some dedication. I remember when I was in China I tried to go to Doin Work just to see, and we were blocked. Maybe without all the BS distractions we have here in the US, we’d be less pantywaists. Then again, who wants to live in a communist country!


    • J-Dub
      August 8, 2012

      Exactly. There has to be the proverbial “happy medium.”


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