
What your view of sports and life would be if you had too many concussions

The Michael Oher Story Reminds Me How Much White Liberals Piss Me Off

Honestly, wasn’t it enough you made me live through that maggot-infested turdpile of a movie “The Blind Side.” Micheal Oher made an appearance on the Piers Morgan Show last night on CNN, and just the sight of him getting the usual meaningless, softball questions about his upbringing sent me straight back to the tirade I had coming out of the theater.

Even if we had been in the same theater, we probably didn’t see the same movie, largely because we aren’t the same person. Speaking demographically, I am a middle aged, educated black professional. Speaking statistically, you’re something other than that. I realize that discussing any topic that even touches the race issue invites a veritable shit-storm, but I don’t care. Every time I see Michael Oher, it just reminds me “The Blind Side” might as well have been “Birth of a Nation” inasmuch as it is one the most patently racist things I’ve ever seen.

First of all, you must understand that I completely reject a common American belief about racism, namely racism can only be practiced by the “stereotypical” bigot; the “conservative” or the guy driving a pick-up truck with a Confederate flag bumper sticker. That impression is so monstrously wrong it is one of the main reasons why racism is alive and well in this country despite all the things we’ve actively done to kill it. You also must understand that I avoid political topics on this blog; that is plainly stated on this blog’s “About Dubsism” page.  In fact, if these disingenuous white liberals would stay on CNN, I would be more than happy to ignore this topic entirely. But once they invaded the world of sports, especially with a story made of whole cloth, I simply cannot let that stand.

Oh, you didn’t know a major part of the story in “The Blind Side” is completely false? Michael Oher will tell you himself:

To viewers of the 2009 film “The Blind Side,” which told the story of how Oher came to live with the wealthy Tuohy family, Michael Oher might have seemed … let’s see, how does Oher himself put it in his new book, I Beat The Odds?

To read Oher’s own version of his life (ghostwritten by former Sports Illustrated associate editor Don Yaeger) is to witness a real feat of grace: he decisively reclaims control of this story without once taking anything away from his love of or his gratitude for his adoptive family — a family that’s been elevated to near sainthood.

In fact, the book is not a list of complaints about how his life has been represented at all.  Well — okay. That’s not entirely fair. He has one major complaint. There is one place where the frustration he feels about the distortion of his story is most palpable.  Here it is: Michael Oher is really, really frosted that they made it look like Leigh Anne Tuohy had to show him how to play football.

Oher wrote this book to explain to kids that there is more to escaping a life of great poverty and need than waiting around to be adopted by rich people. He wrote it to recognize some of the other people besides the Tuohys (about whom he writes with tremendous love and devotion) who were so important to the changes in his life. He wrote it to offer advice to those who have heard the story and want to help kids who are in the foster care system.

But if I had to guess what put him over the top, and what made this naturally reticent guy decide to pull the trigger and work on a book about himself, I’d guess it was the scene in the film where Sandra Bullock, as Leigh Anne Tuohy, drags him around football practice explaining what blocking is. Oher devotes only a couple of paragraphs to his reaction to the film, but here’s part of what he has to say:

“I felt like it portrayed me as dumb instead of as a kid who had never had consistent academic instruction and ended up thriving once he got it. Quinton Aaron did a great job acting the part, but I could not figure out why the director chose to show me as someone who had to be taught the game of football. Whether it was S.J. moving around ketchup bottles or Leigh Anne explaining to me what blocking is about, I watched those scenes thinking, ‘No, that’s not me at all! I’ve been studying — really studying — the game since I was a kid!’ That was my main hang-up with the film.”

There it is…a little something I like to call “Affirmative Action Mentality” at its finest; poor blacks are capable of nothing unless rich whites help them. That’s the whole reason the story was told that way, in fact its the whole reason white people give a damn about the story at all.  Don’t misunderstand me, what that family did for Oher surely helped him, but the fact of the matter is he was likely going to end up as a football player with or without them.  There’s no way that movie gets made if that’s the story.

The problem is that unlike the class of whites who have moved beyond history and reached an honestly race-neutral mind-set, the disingenuous white liberals are obsessed at maintaining some sort of pusillanimous, “feel-good” solutions to injustices which are a century-and-a-half old.  We don’t bother worrying about whether people are getting educated so they can go to college, so they can graduate, so they can be qualified for life as more than a burger-flipper or a left tackle. We don’t bother to do anything about a system which is more than happy to pump out assembly-line workers or grist for our professional sports mills. We don’t care if the system manages to produce people with the aptitude and the attitude to be effective leaders. Rather, we engage in a quota system that believes everything is just fine as long as we all feel good about the racial breakdown of the labor force. Welcome to “Affirmative Action Mentality.”

The saddest part is this group of people who claim the best of intentions, who claim to be tolerant and understanding of black people collectively have done more harm to them than any Klansman could have dreamed of doing. By engaging in “Affirmative Action Mentality,” white liberals actively devalue any accomplishment by a black person for which they didn’t pave the way, and they seek to destroy any black person who dares disagree with them. In other words, “Affirmative Action Mentality” runs precisely counter to Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech; it is just “Jim Crow” dressed up in 20th-Century liberalism. Regardless of what those white liberals tell you, they still care more about the color of a man’s skin rather than the content of his character.  There are no better examples of this than the argument about black football coaches and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Somehow, we’ve cooked up the logic that since most players in the NFL are black, most coaches should be. It is is so blatantly obvious there is nothing about merit in that conversation; it is also as clear the only criteria in that argument is race. Again, it pays no attention to the fact this issue needs a long-term solution, it is a question of implementing a system that identifies and develops talent in the coaching ranks. It is not a question of just waving a magic wand. If you doubt that, ask yourself a question: Rather than asking how many black head coaches there are, ask yourself how many blacks are now qualified to be good head coaches. That’s the key to the solution. But that’s not a quick, “feel-good” solution, so liberals will never go for it.

The “Jim Crow” part comes when a black person strays from that which white liberals will permit them to say. See, it is an unconscionable sin for a black person  to not maintain the liberal party line once they have been elevated to the success white liberals’ Affirmative Action-based system have determined for them. If you doubt that, look at what Clarence Thomas has endured for the past 20 years. Click this link, and remember the language used here is coming from those who are “tolerant and understanding.”

By blowing the whistle on realities white liberals want to cling to, Oher is opening himself up to the same type of attacks faced by Thomas, Bill Cosby, and others (and even myself on a much smaller scale).  If you are black in America today, those types of attacks should stay in the forefront of your mind. The guy in the Klan robe is at least honest; you know where you stand with him. But don’t ever trust that person who subscribes to “Affirmative Action Mentality;” they will drag you to death behind their Prius the minute you do something they don’t like.

About J-Dub

What your view of sports would be if you had too many concussions

22 comments on “The Michael Oher Story Reminds Me How Much White Liberals Piss Me Off

  1. tophatal
    February 10, 2011


    I’m an expat Brit who’s been living here for almost two decades and even Piers Morgan pi_ses me off ! That being said I can’t stand either side of the political aisle as they’re both a bunch cretins who simply resort to name calling rather than dealing with the real issues at hand ! I’ve no political axe to grind either ! Sportschump will tell you what I’m all about . He and I both go back to our blogging days over at Fox .

    Piers Morgan make Larry King look cerebral but I look at this way it’s all about ratings rather than substance when it comes to all forms of journalism be it on tv or radio ! F_ck it we have a President , Congress and Senate who couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag were they assisted and their lives depended on it !

    tophatal ……….


  2. tophatal
    February 10, 2011

    Why bother to watch Piers Morgan to begin with ? He was never that good a journalist even when he practiced and then became a newspaper editor in the UK ! As for Oher what else needs to be learned about his story that we don’t already know ?

    tophatal ……..


    • JW
      February 10, 2011

      The evils of channel-surfing…


      • tophatal
        February 10, 2011

        Instant gratification …………. porn ! ‘nough said

        Screw channel surfing !

        tophatal ……………


      • JW
        February 10, 2011

        Don’t think I didn’t notice you used noun “porn” and the verb “screw” in the same comment…


  3. tophatal
    February 10, 2011

    I’m an expat Brit born in and raised in the UK (now living in the US) seen enough strife , racism and killing having served in the military as a Royal Marine . Racism is here re , will be here and will never change as we know it . Unfortunately within the political diaspora there are those who’d rather things not change change from the civil rights era and prior. Now we have a country that’s now not only socially divided but politically , racially and economically divided as well !

    Sportschump will tell you all you need to know about me . He and I go way back from our days churning out pieces at Fox on their bloggers’ site .

    tophatal ……


    • JW
      February 10, 2011

      We seem to have a similar view, and we have military backgrounds in common. I spent six years in the USMC.


      • tophatal
        February 10, 2011


        Did my stint early eighties served in Ireland during some of the troubles there and saw several of my comrades killed by either explosive devices or sniper fire by the IRA. So what Al Qaeda is now doing in Afghanistan and Iraq is nothing new to me ! Did also peacekeeping stints with as part of NATO and UN in places such as Cyprus , Eritrea and Morocco . Once out of the military went into finance and worked in various parts of the international finance world . Then came the late eighties and the greed is good mantra ……….. downsized ! Left for sunnier climes across the Atlantic .

        Now working in corporate law but specifically in the field of international governance and business. Covers a slew business related issues , economics , trade policy and int’l finance , banking . And of course watching the political climate and then working with the corporate lawyers as how to best safeguard the interest of the clients .
        Not a lawyer but research analyst and economist .

        tophatal …………


      • JW
        February 10, 2011

        USMC – Late 80’s to early 90’s, saw plenty during overseas time. Engineer by education, now small businessman.


  4. Chris Humpherys
    February 10, 2011

    I’m looking forward to reading the comments you receive from this post.

    When it comes to racism, all I can be responsible for are my own views, which have always been, if a person is an ass, they’re an ass regardless of what color they are.

    You know, that whole judging a person on the content of their character sorta thing.


    • JW
      February 10, 2011

      There are two stereotypical responses I’m kinda hoping for. I’m not going to say now what they are, but I will point them out if I get them…


  5. tophatal
    February 10, 2011


    Small businessman in this day and age now means get yours before the government gets it !

    tophatal ……………….


    • JW
      February 10, 2011

      Truer words were never spoken…


      • tophatal
        February 11, 2011


        This is how asinine both the Congress and the Senate are …… they continually bitch and whine about jobs being sent overseas but yet they do nothing to dissuade the corporations from enacting that. If anything they’ve enabled them with their incentives to where they can now write off tax deferments for investing overseas and at the same time while jobs are created abroad profits though garnered here it subsequently adds up to the economy taking a monumental hit !

        What does this country actually produce in terms of manufacturing that amounts to anything tangible ? Having a multitude of defense contractors where the Defense Dept is overcharged for weaponry that never sees the light of day in a lot cases is so asinine and stupid ! And this is the bull_hit it wants the world to view as progress , capitalism at its best and a sense of fair play and justice ?

        tophatal …………………..


      • JW
        February 11, 2011

        I could go on for hours on this topic, but this isn’t the correct forum for that…


  6. Drew
    February 10, 2011

    Very thought provoking…enjoyed reading your rant. Like Chris I concur that an ass is ass no matter the color. Definitely plenty of (ignorant and/or incompetent) asses on both sides of the aisle.


    • JW
      February 10, 2011

      That probably gets close to describing my over-arching philosophy – anti-stupid.


  7. tophatal
    February 11, 2011


    Let me know what you think of the following by simply clicking on the link shown to view ?

    The King Is Dead The King Is Dead ………. Long Live The New King ………

    There’s Only So Many Ways You Can Throw Shit Up Against A Wall …….

    tophatal ………


  8. tophatal
    February 11, 2011


    So what’s wrong with a cornucopia of porn and screwing ? It’s not against the law is it ?

    Last I heard it’s what essentially makes the world go around ?

    tophatal ……….


  9. Chris Humpherys
    February 11, 2011



  10. tophatal
    February 11, 2011


    There is never a right or wrong forum when it comes to a political issue ! One way or another it’s bound to affect us all.



  11. Pingback: The J-Dub "Blind Side" Racism Quiz - Turtleboy Sports

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