
What your view of sports and life would be if you had too many concussions

Dubsism Has Been Nominated For The Versatile Blogger Award!

Much to my surprise, rebeccadeniston from Taking Up Room nominated Dubsism for the Versatile Blogger Award! While I’m flattered, I distinctly do not remember send her a check.  However, at my age, lack of recollection of a particular event has no bearing on it’s reality.  For purposes of full disclosure, I’m not above bribery; I’m actually bribery-adjacent.

Having said that, this distinction comes with some duties per Versatile Blogger Code of Conduct:

1) Thank the person who nominated you. While I’m not sure what I did to garner such an accolade, and I’m sure there are bloggers out there far more deserving, nevertheless I am thankful for the nomination and grateful for the recognition.

2) Provide a link to their blog. If you are a fan of classic film, Taking Up Room is simply “must-read” material.  If that site isn’t in your bookmarks, your list simply is not complete.  Not to mention, in a few days she will be hosting the “Unexpected” Blog-A-Thon.  Not only will this be a collection of some fun film reads, but I will also be a participant.

3) Share seven facts about yourself. I’m really not a very interesting guy, so you might want to set your alarm clock for 30 seconds in the future.

  1. Two of my favorite past-times are sports and classic movies.  Cruising the  Dubsism front page will tell you that.
  2. Another thing you can discover quickly from my blog is that I revel in odd comparisons. The series which brought me to the attention of the film blogger community is a perfect example.
  3. My education is in engineering, and I have a job even more boring than that.  For purposes of not giving away all my secrets to potential stalkers, let’s just say it’s somewhere in the “life-on-the-razor’s-edge” world of insurance auditing. I also have a side-hustle making and selling model railroad vehicles.
  4. I’m also a musician. My first instrument was the violin; then I transitioned to bass, and eventually became a drummer. Despite my roots in classical music, I’m a “Dinosaur Rock” guy of the first order; as such I have what could be considered an unhealthy obsession with Rush.
  5. When I’m not blogging, selling streetcar models, making noise or slowly dying at my soul-sucking job, I love to cook.  I learned to cook from a 400-pound Italian opera singer who I’m pretty sure was “mobbed up.”
  6. On two separate occasions, I was recruited to be a Catholic priest. I don’t really have any more nuance for that, but it said list seven facts. Maybe that’s why Dubsism has it’s own Liturgical Calendar.
  7. Thanks to having parents who divorced early in my child-hood…one of them being a career military officer…I ping-ponged between parents so much that I didn’t go to the same school two years in a row until I was in the 8th grade.  Always being the “new kid in school” provided the level of social maladjustment necessary for being a recognized blogger.

4) Nominate 15 bloggers of your choosing.

My nominations…in no particular order…

  1. Chris Humpherys from SportsChump
  2. Paul S. from Return to the 80’s
  3. Virginie from The Wonderful World of Cinema
  4. Gary Loggins from Cracked Rear Viewer
  5. Michael from Sat In Your Lap
  6. Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews
  7. Maddy from Maddy Loves Her Classic Films
  8. Kevin Paul from The Wife Hates Sports
  9. Sioux Sports
  10. Gabriela from Pale Writer
  11. Bob Johns from It Came From The Man Cave
  12. Neil Roberts from Sports With Neil and Friends
  13. Michaela from Love Letters to Old Hollywood
  14. Crystal from In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood
  15. Emily from The Flapper Dame

And there you have it.  What makes me appreciate this nomination all the more is the fact that I know combining sports and movies means talking to two audiences which in many ways don’t speak the same language.  That means either I’ve succeeded in intersecting those two distinct groups, or I’ve discovered people with as many quirks as I have.  Either way, I’m calling it a success because I’ve discovered individuals who create great content and appreciate mine.

P.S.  For a possible future nominee, my wife just started a blog called Hot Glue Gun Club, which id dedicated to the world of “do-it-yourself” arts and crafts. I didn’t nominate her blog this time around because as she’s just started, she would be hard-pressed to have 15 other blogs to nominate.  But that is no reason for you not to check it out should you share those interests!

Got a question, comment, or just want to yell at us? Hit us up at  dubsism@yahoo.com, @Dubsism on Twitter, or on our Pinterest,  Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook pages, and be sure to bookmark Dubsism.com so you don’t miss anything from the most interesting independent sports blog on the web.

About J-Dub

What your view of sports would be if you had too many concussions

3 comments on “Dubsism Has Been Nominated For The Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. SportsChump
    December 2, 2018

    We’re a dying breed, brother. I need to get some of these people on my blogroll.

    So am I supposed to take this thing and then tell two friends so they tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on?


    • J-Dub
      December 3, 2018

      Do whatever…It’s a bit “chain lettery” but I wanted to show appreciation for the person who nominated me.


  2. Realweegiemidget Reviews
    December 13, 2018

    Aw, thanks for the lovely award… it is impossible as a film blogger not to accept this award without a mention of Sally Field isnt it.. thanks for the mention with this fab bunch of blogs and bloggers


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